Suomen suurin tuulipuisto käyttöön
Suomen Hyötytuuli Oy:n Raaheen rakennuttama tuulipuisto on sekä teholtaan että laitoskooltaan toistaiseksi Suomen suurin.
Tuulipuisto sijaitsee Rautaruukin Raahen tehtaan alueella Kuljunniemellä ja niemeen johtavalla patotiellä. Tuulipuisto koostuu viidestä 2.3 MW tuulivoimalasta. Voimalat ovat suurimmat Suomeen rakennetut tuulivoimalat. Voimaloiden tornin korkeus on 80 metriä ja turbiinin halkaisija 82.4 metriä. Suurella yksikkökoolla tavoitellaan sijoituspaikkojen tehokasta hyödyntämistä ja edullisia tuotantokustannuksia. Tuulipuiston investointikustannukset olivat noin 13 miljoonaa €. Kauppa- ja teollisuusministeriö tuki tuulipuiston rakentamista 35% investointituella.
Kiljunlahden tuuliolosuhteet ovat hyvät. Tuulen keskinopeus 80 metrin korkeudella on n. 7 m/s. Tuulivoimalat voidaan helposti ja edullisesti kytkeä sähköverkkoon Rautaruukin tehdasalueella. Myös alueen muu infrastruktuuri - tiet ja lähellä sijaitseva satama - helpotti tuulivoimaloiden rakentamista.
Lähde: ENERGIA UUTISET nro 6/2004
Voimaloiden valmistaja tehdas on Tanskalainen Bonus Energy A/S, mutta voimaloiden kotimaisuusaste on reilut 50%. Esimerkiksi laitosten generaattorit, muuntajat ja runkorakenteet ovat kotimaisia. Tuulivoimalassa on kaksi generaattoria - 2300 kW/1500 rpm ja 400 kW/1000 rpm. Turbiinin nimellinen kierrosluku on 17 rpm ja heikoilla tuulilla 400 kW generaattorilla 11 rpm.
Turbiinin paino on n. 52 tn.
Tommi Rautio, STE Oy
Lyhennelmä raportista: The Future of Global Offshore Wind Power: The technology, economics and impact of wind power generation
Recent environmental awareness resulting particularly from the phenomenon of global warming has pushed renewable sources of energy towards the top of the power generation agenda. This has helped promote wind power as the most cost effective of the renewable technologies.
The Future of Global Wind Power: the technology, economics and impact of wind power generation is a management report that analyses the prospects for offshore wind power generation across Europe, North America, Japan and the rest of the world. It provides key data on the trends in wind power generation, to help you predict where and when opportunities in offshore wind power generation will occur.
The report explains how to identify potential sites and use advances in technology ensure the most effective use of resources. It also details the environmental costs and benefits of offshore wind farms with reference to key stakeholders. These impacts are examined with reference to national, European and International regulatory frameworks. Forecasts to 2020 are included in respect of future capacity and changes in costs resulting from scale and technological advances.
Key issues addressed in this new management
- The operational and installation costs of wind power
- Legislative and regulatory constraints on wind power
- Environmental costs and benefits
- Geographical potential for offshore wind farms
- Future outlook for future offshore capacity and generation
The Future of Global Offshore Wind Power: the technology,
economics and impact of wind power generation is based upon
unique expert analysis and research, the results of which will explain:
- How much of the world?s power consumption could be catered for by offshore wind.
- The factors must be taken into account when planning an offshore wind farm.
- Differences between the scale and distribution of costs for offshore and land wind farms
- The drivers and resistors likely to affect future development of offshore wind power
- Growth opportunities for the future.
- Forecasts for market trends until 2020
The Answers to Your Questions
- What are the main advantages and disadvantages of offshore wind power and which factors need to be addressed during an environmental impact assessment?
- What are offshore wind power generation costs, and how do they compare to other fuels such as coal, oil, nuclear and gas?
- What wind speed is needed to make offshore wind farms economically viable and where can these conditions be found?
- What is the expected lifespan of an offshore wind turbine, how will this change in the future?
- How has installed capacity grown over the last three years and what is the forecast growth between now and 2020?
- What is the threshold of offshore wind power as a percentage of national generating capacity?
Global Analysis
The condtions for offshore wind farms vary in different parts of the globe. This report provides a closer look at the conditions under which offshore wind farms will thrive. Find out:
- National regulatory procedures relating to offshore wind power across the relevant EU states and the US.
- Why European renewable energy policy makes it the best region for immediate offshore wind development.
- The opportunities for wind power resulting from Renewable Portfolio Standards policy.
- How distance from shore, altitude, sea bed depth and maintenance schedules affect site potential and efficiency.
- Where are the geographical growth areas for offshore wind power.
- How to find the best wind speeds and hence maximise your potential generation and revenue.